Newly Formed CODA Is Born

California Condor on the 2005 California State...

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Since California is a benchmark for the rest of the country with regard to cap-and-trade and other environmental procedure and policy, it seems fitting that a new group has formed to help retain it’s reputation. Newly formed, CODA (Compliance Offset Developers Association) strives to help people needing assistance with regulatory and compliance-based issues with their projects.

Mainly project developers will use CODA, in addition to the already formed ARB (Air Resources Board) and the like to determine was of moving around the offset market when pursuing present and future endeavors. Since many millions of offsets (approximately 200) will be anticipated by the year 2020 it is important for groups such as CODA to exist. This allows for transparency and ease of understanding complex issues in the arena of heavily regulated industries that these very groups serve.

How CODA will support California? Find out here –


Making Sure Your Boiler Is An Energy-efficient One!


Boiler (Photo credit: 73-photography)

There are many reasons to make sure your boiler is up to standards. An efficient boiler will not only help you cut down on your monthly bills but will also help to reduce greenhouse emissions from your facility. Buying a energy star qualified boiler is one way to make sure you get the most savings and benefits out of your boiler. One thing many people forget is to make sure that there boiler is clean. Over time soot and ash can build up in a boiler and cause reduced efficiency. To combat this problem you can use brushes or a liquid descaler to help clear soot and ash out of your boiler. You should always remember to perform regular maintenance on your boiler.

Make sure your boiler is safe and eco-friendly. Find out here – A Clean Boiler Saves Money, Energy

A More Efficient HVAC System

English: A central ventilation tube and vent. ...

Every business owner is fully aware that one of their steepest of expenses, is the energy bill. The balance, paid to energy companies can be annoyingly astronomical, but many may be surprised to know that the levels of intense electrical energy usage has fallen by as much as 40 percent, between 1980 and today’s explosion in the number of electronic devices. Modern businesses can credit the upgrades in construction, lighting and especially in the efficiency of today’s HVAC systems. Proper care of today’s ventilation and heating systems is a great means of lowering that terrible business energy bill and at the same time, such proaction saves the company’s funds, without any unwanted sacrifices.


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The Science of Getting the Best of Your Home

Renovation Progress

Renovation Progress (Photo credit: nonformality)

The construction industry is improving as home builders and remodelers learn about building science and apply it to their work. Here are eleven building science secrets that every home builder and remodeler should know. This article covers the myth of “houses that need to breathe” and tackles other important efficiency and insulation standards that are important for you to know. The article also pays special attention to the do’s and dont’s of attics, including duct systems, kneewalls and power ventilators. Remember, codes don’t build good homes and rules don’t equal compliance! Competent, properly trained, experienced consultations and technicians are responsible for the institution and maintenance of best practices. Results matter, so remember to think about the individual needs of your client.


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Homemade Solution for Air Conditioning Problems

Aparelho de ar condicionado

Aparelho de ar condicionado (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Calling the repair man when something goes wrong with your home air conditioning unit is the first thing on your mind when your something goes wrong. However hold the phone and do some do it yourself work by following these tips to save yourself from going over your budget with a/c units.To begin start by referencing to your owners manual and follow the guidelines there. If a solution to your problem can’t be solved by reading the owners manual check if your air conditioning unit has symptoms like a doctor would for a remedy in not having cool air, and when a room’s temperature quickly fluctuates from being too hot to too cold. If all else fails call a repair man from a company such as Sinclair knowing that you spent your time wisely trying to fix a problem that is not a do it yourself self job and requires expert help.

For more information click this link –” target=”_blank

Automation and Controls Technician: 101 Means to Be At Your Best

Technician evaluating specimen

Technician evaluating specimen (Photo credit: IITA Image Library)

There is an immense amount of responsibility that comes with being a Building Automation and Controls Technician. Most people (even the technicians themselves) have no idea how important and vital the roles these important tradesmen (and women) play in our lives. Veterans of the industry take note: Abel B Martinez II, a 14-year technician himself, has come up with 101 ways to become a bona fide all-star in the field. Get out your pen and paper and take notes, whether you’re a greenhorn or have years of experience under your belt, you are sure to learn a thing or two that you might have never thought of before.


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Should You Install Dry R22 Systems or Not?


The basic role of HVAC contractors is more than that of a salesperson within the heating and air conditioning field. Their job is designed to provide their clients, who have questions regarding repairs, partial replacement, or entirely upgrading their present system. Older models may be operating through being charged by R22 refrigerants, even though new models can no longer be produced, such as these due to their efficiency ratings, issued by the EPA, but consumers who own these older models shouldn’t be pressured into total replacement of their heating and cooling system unless total replacement is their actual idea. Not all may be able to afford such total replacement costs. These concerns are those that the HVAC contractor should listen to, from their customers, rather than spooking a desired sale from them.


Want to learn more how to repaire your system? Just follow this link –” target=”_blank




Save Costs on Your Lighting Control System


Light (Photo credit: Road Fun)

Lighting accounts for a substantial percentage of your utility bill. Systems are available that can help you reduce this expense. Methods range from customizing lighting levels to the environment to automatically dimming and even turning off lights when they are not needed.

Upgrading your lighting control system will often pay for itself over time. You may not have to replace your entire system, an upgrade of your sensors may be all that is needed to save those excess lighting costs. Sometimes, simply reprogramming your timers and sensor durations will be enough to make a noticeable difference.


Want to know more about proper consuming for your energy? Read more here –” target=”_blank

Pros and Con of Conditioning Your Ducts

Aparelho de ar condicionado

Aparelho de ar condicionado (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Your air conditioner will function far more efficiently what the ducts are moved into air conditioned space. Savings between fifteen to twenty five percent are commonly realized when this is done. The best methods to accomplish this range from raising or lowering your ceilings to bring the duct within air conditioned space, and ducting some cooled air into the existing duct space. Duct work can also be moved to between air conditioned floors to increase efficiency. There is at least one rather undesirable method of accomplishing this task, while you may realize the same savings, rerouting your duct work and leaving it exposed in the living area of your home is not recommended!


Want to know a good ways of energy vanguard? Read here first –” target=”_blank

Get Rid of Out of Date Control Systems

fuse boxOut-of-date controls systems costs building owners millions of dollars annually. Energy is wasted making rooms too cold, or too hot. That can lead to more than just discomfort for people, because electrical systems also need steady temperatures to function at their peak. An old controls system will not do that consistently. Its failures may not always be obvious, but a need for comfort during off-hours, or a sudden failure, will make the flaws in a Building Automation System — BAS — obvious. Comparing the performance of a BAS to peers in similar buildings can help make the need for a new system clear. If a BAS is 10 percent to 20 percent less efficient, the need for a new system is clear.

If it is worse than that, even more dollars being sucked out of the maintenance budget. If making a peer comparison is difficult, see if costs are growing, and if there are costs that are not measured in dollars, such as extra time spent responding to complaints about comfort. If parts for the BAS are so old they are only available on EBay, again, it is time to think about a new, efficient system. The goal is not just to get the system to where it should be, which still may cost as much as 40 percent more in energy as a modern BAS, but to make the controller as efficient as possible, easy to adjust and easy to fix. Invest the money where it will make the difference: in a new BAS, not in endless tinkering with an old one that at best will still cost more.


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