Need To Check Your Home Insulation?

Energy House Home Insulation

Energy House Home Insulation (Photo credit: jinjaSi)

The insulation that lines your walls of your home can save you a lot of money on your utility bills.


Insulation acts as a barrier to keep the hot or cool air you pump into your house inside the house and keep the hot or cool air outside of the house. However, if you live in a old house, there may not be any insulation in your walls.


There are several tools you can use to check your walls for insulation, and this article will guide you through the process.


One method is to unhook the light switch cover on your wall, thus opening a small hole in the wall through which you can look for insulation.



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Pros & Cons Of Installing a Dry R-22 System


Cooler (Photo credit: Benson Kua)

Also known as Freon gas, R-22 is being used less often in appliances and equipment. In fact, in 2020, Freon is supposed to stop being produced all together and the only way to keep using it will be to recycle it from devices that have previously used Freon.




When thinking about replacing your HVAC systems, be wary of companies trying to take advantage of this new imposed change and charge you too much. Some contractors will try to make you upgrade more than is needed, saying that you have to or that an upgrade can’t be done on one of your appliances without replacing all of them.




CAS hopes that you can find a beneficial relationship between customer and contractor. Other things that a sly contractor might say or do to make more money off of you include enticing you to buy more expensive equipment than you would have liked.


Grab the full story here:


Is Your 3 Ton AC Unit Actually 3 Tons?

Lente? / Spring?

Themometer(Photo credit: mooste)

You may have ordered a new air conditioner for your home based on the title and the capacity it says that it can reach. But that all may have been false advertising. There are a number of reasons why the mass or weight scale of your air conditioning unit may not be accurate or may be a complete misrepresentation of the product in question.


Also, when the unit cools, you will notice that sometimes it works better than others, but you wills till have the same reading on the temperature scale. This can be due to outside conditions and not the functioning of your air conditioning unit at all.


Grab The Full Story Here:

Steam Those Germs To Death!

A bed bug nymph feeding on host

A bed bug nymph feeding on host (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If you have considered fumigating your home, you have probably heard of all the negative side-effects that the deadly fumes can have.


Consider using steam instead of fumigating. Steam can kill the bugs and other infestations that bring bacteria and viruses along with them. This can dramatically improve your quality of life inside your home.


The high pressure and high temperature steam can also kill the bugs that live in your bed. This article also recommends that a particular brand of steam cleaner be used, although it is not clear that it is better or needed. Steam does not cause mold growth and can even remove mold.


Green Cleaning: Using Steam to Kill Germs and Bed Bugs

AC Unit Keep Shutting Off?

7701962062_7ecd149f69_mAn air conditioner is a very important feature of a home, especially as summer is heating up and the autumn temperatures cannot be a certainty.


Therefore, when it begins to act up or becomes completely inoperable, then it is important to know exactly who to call to get your home cooling again.


This companies knows all of the possible parts of your air conditioning system that may malfunction and can fix them in a jiffy.


No need to break out the desktop fans, just wait until this company shows up at your residence, discovers the problem, and get your air conditioner back into heat fighting form.



Help, My Air Conditioner Keeps Shutting Off!

Should Air Barriers Go Both Ways?

Wood Frame Construction

Wood Frame Construction (Photo credit: jp1958)

If you would like to save money on your utility bill, then having properly installed insulation can keep your costs down by keeping in the cool air in the summer as well as the hot air out. During the winter, it can help keep the warm air inside and the cold air out.


Having an air barrier that does both of these functions is essential if you want to maximize the effectiveness of your heating and air conditioning. Many people overlook the air barrier in keeping the inside air inside your home, and prefer to look at how it can keep outside air out.



Does Your Air Barrier Work in Both Directions?

Where Did Steam Cleaners Come From?

Steam Cleaning

Steam Cleaning (Photo credit: pixxiestails)

Steam cleaning can be a powerful tool that can clean everything from homes, which by the way can replace fumigation, to vehicles and greasy boats and other machinery.


In addition to being a very effective method of cleaning things, steam cleaning is experiencing an increased popularity as of late because it is a green form of cleaning. There are minimal chemicals used in steam cleaning compared to other methods. Steam does not overly wet surfaces in which it comes in contact because it is not made up of a high percentage of water.


This article recommends a particular brand of steam cleaner to use. That brand is the Goodway dry vapor steam cleaning product.



Green Cleaning: The History of Steam Cleaners

Are Ducts Choking The Life Out Of Your Bath Fans?


Attic Duct Work (Photo credit: Lal Beral)

Properly installed ducts are very important in regards to the proper flow of air through your home. Even if you live in an expensive home, you should not take it for granted that the ducts have been installed properly.




Routine check-ups and maintenance are required to ensure that your duct system is working properly at all times. It can be frustrating to deal with all of the ‘snakes’ which compose the duct tubing in your attic or crawl space, however it is a necessary and important part of good home maintenance.




This article relates a short story of a time in an expensive house where duct installation when horribly wrong. This can cost the homeowner time, in terms of finding a contractor to fix or fixing it themselves, as well as money on their utility bill.






Snakes in an Attic — The Ductopus’s Cousin Strangles Bath Fans


Stop The Confusion! 107 Home Energy Acronyms

This article will give you an extensive overview of acronyms and initials in the home energy field. You can download the whole list if you would like, or browse through their selections displayed in the article.


The article gives you the chance to download the full list as a pdf file or a spreadsheet. Some of the acronyms can be very helpful, even to people who do not work or intend to work in the home energy field.


Things like HRV, which stands for heat recovery ventilator, can help you understand what people are talking about when they reference that acronym.



107 Acronyms & Initials for Home Energy Pros

The Net Zero Energy Residential Test Facility

logo of National Institute of Standards and Te...

logo of National Institute of Standards and Technology (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is currently researching Net Zero Energy (NZE) homes, using their newly constructed Net Zero Energy Residential Test Facility.


In addition, NIST is collaborating with energy experts to analyze and prioritize the steps needed to achieve NZE homes. Their most recent report details a set of guidelines to help in the process of constructing and designing these homes.


This report organizes its guidelines into three main focal areas, then breaks down the priorities of each area so the information is easily accessible. It also calls for a scoring system that will help consumers understand where their home fits in terms of gaining NZE status.


The author of this article presents RESNET‘s Home Energy Rating System as a starting place for creating a more detailed solution to the scale. NZE homes should be an area of focus for our future. The recent NIST research, while not yet perfected, provides many valuable ideas for moving toward this goal.



NIST Takes on the Net Zero Energy Home Challenge