Washington State Climate Change Bill Signed Into Law

English: Congressman Jay Inslee (D-WA)

Democratic Governor Jay Inslee of Washington has signed legislation that will provide a way to study and then implement the best ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the state and elsewhere. Governor Inslee, who identified climate change is one of his key issues, supported the bill during debate, and its enactment into law was praised by environmental groups.


Under the new law, an independent consultant will study efforts to reduce carbon emissions, while a newly created group of legislators and other leaders will use the consultant’s evaluation to recommend ways to reduce pollution that is associated with climate change.


The group will focus on strategies that will provide the greatest environmental benefit for the money spent. A law passed in 2008 calls for Washington to return to 1990 emissions levels by 2020, and the new law is expected to help the state reach those goals.


Washington state climate change bill signed into law

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