Wise and Legal HVAC System Installation

yeloIn the state of Texas there are many legal and safety issues surrounding the installation of a new heating and air unit. This makes it extremely important that homeowners only have licensed and experienced contractors install their HVAC systems.

Not only is it illegal in the state of Texas to install an HVAC system without a license it is also very dangerous. Homeowners also assume a legal responsibility for the unlicensed worker and the work that was done. But the upside to hiring a licensed HVAC contractor to install the unit is that the homeowner will have peace of mind knowing that the work was done properly and safely.

Follow this link to know about HVAC System Installation – http://www.callsinclair.com/lubbock-hvac-blog/bid/83314/Avoid-heating-and-air-conditioning-installation-problems” target=”_blank

Save Energy with Programmable Thermostats

English: Thermostat FLZ 541 Русский: Термостат...

English: Thermostat FLZ 541 Русский: Термостат FLZ 541 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Programmable thermostats must be set correctly in order to give you the most savings. The most important thing to remember is that in order to save money, you must program your thermostat so your heating an cooling system works less.

Often, homeowners neglect to take advantage of the energy saving possibilities when they fail to to program their thermostats for less cooling or heating when they are away from home, or sleeping. Since a new heating and cooling system almost always comes with a new thermostat, the homeowner may not realize that they could get even more savings on their energy bill by a detailed adjustment to the thermostat!


See how to save energy with programmable thermostats  – http://www.energyvanguard.com/blog-building-science-HERS-BPI/bid/65651/Do-Programmable-Thermostats-Save-Energy” target=”_blank

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Newly Invented Mushroom Insulation

mushroomTwo RPI graduates have comes up with a way to grow mushroom insulation to form insulated panels for construction. It sound like a crazy idea but no mushrooms or spores will pop up outside the panels. They use steam to stop the growth once there is enough material. They are still in the product development stage. They were able to start their company with money received from grants and contests for new ideas. They are working on development in an invention incubator.

Their model project is called the tiny house. One problem which needs solving is the low R-value of this material. Their mushroom panels will need to be thicker than those currently produced using synthetic foam but this will be a huge improvement. As a natural product it has a much lower carbon foot print. The air quality in a house constructed this way shoul be better. The other problem they need to solve is reducing cost. They are not selling the panels yet but if they did they would be more expensive than the synthetic foam panels. They have found another use for this product. It is currently being sold as packing material.


Read More Here:

http://www.energyvanguard.com/blog-building-science-HERS-BPI/bid/65314/Is-Mushroom-Insulation-the-World-s-Greenest-Insulating-Material” target=”_blank

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Ways to Detect Leaks of Refrigerants

air conditioner leak detectorsIf your company has a refrigeration system, it will pay you in time and money saved to install a refrigerant tracking system calld TracRef. Go to Polar Technology’s website www.refrigerantauthority.com to see if this system will work for you. Companies are responsible for complying with State and Federal regulations re, refrigeration systems and can be fined for noncompliance. It is important to be able to detect leaks in your system. Leaks of refrigerants can also be life-threatening as well as costly.

A good way to detect leaks is by using special soap formulations to actually be able to see some leaks. See the website www.contractingbusiness.com to find other ways to detect refrigerant leaks.


Get to know the ways of detecting leaks here – http://refrigerantauthority.com/do-you-know-how-to-detect-a-refrigerant-leak/


What does the Reverse Supply Side Economics says about the future r-22 prices?

6869772267_859961ebb2_mThe theory of Supply Side Economic was to stimulate consumer demand while also increasing spending,, raising taxes and stimulating the economy. The “Demand Side” stated they would have to buy more products that producers would have to manufacture. Now there is another theory which is Reverse Supply Side Economics, this theory was for those that just wanted a singular outcome without any regard to the market dynamics that are directly towards regulation. The EPA uses a vintage model that is to anticipate the adjusted demand based on ongoing supply restrictions. The EPA is mandating the end of one of the most widely used refrigerants in modern times by the year 2020.

The market is going to fall like dominos to this outcome. There will be shortages of R-22, Increased prices of R-22, Increased maintenance events to convert R-22 to replacement refrigerants, then the scrapping of perfectly good systems for systems that use new refrigerants. The ending to this beautiful story is that the consumer gets stuck with the bill that the government should have handled. In 2020 there will be no HCFC new refrigerants produced. There will be a massive supply of R–22. Its up to us on how this goes. Be prepared!


See how it will affect the economy, read more here – http://refrigerantauthority.com/predicting-r-22-prices-reverse-supply-side-economics/

Having a Healthy Facility Environment

Indoor air quality

Indoor air quality (Photo credit: mag3737)

Indoor air quality, or IAQ, in the workplace is something that often fails to receive the attention it deserves. Far too few people realize that indoor air is frequently even more polluted than outdoor air. A recent article by Kelly Robinson, posted on FacilityManagement.com, highlights the relationship between IAQ at work and rates of asthma. Robinson, citing the World Health Organization, states that 33 million people are afflicted with asthma as a direct result of their exposure to the gases, dust and fumes breathed in at work. Those 33 million cases represent nearly 10 percent of all asthma cases worldwide.

To combat this problem, facilities operators must take care to clean their premises well, which means not just doing enough so that “it looks clean,” but instead taking the time to measure bacteria levels to determine whether the place is adequately clean. HEPA certified processes and products for cleaning are highly recommended and are the best way to ensure that the workplace environment’s contributions to rates of asthma is drastically reduced.



Make sure your facilities are clean. Read more here why it is important – http://www.goodway.com/hvac-blog/2013/06/iaq-and-facility-management-is-your-facility-asthma-friendly/

The Importance of Mechanical Ventilation to SPF Contractors

spray foaming the basement

spray foaming the basement (Photo credit: dpmitchell)

Many people fail to realize just how important mechanical ventilation is to airtight homes. When a house is airtight, it is much more likely that indoor toxins linger for long periods of time in the home. Mechanical ventilation is fundamental in drastically reducing the volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) effecting air quality.

Any good spray foam contractor (SPF) knows the risks associated with airtight homes, and should suggest mechanical ventilation with spray foam to clients. They always should inform the client of all these factors associated. Should the client decline mechanical ventilation with spray foam, a liability waiver should be given to the client to sign.


What is Mechanical Ventilation for SPF Contractors? Find out here – http://www.energyvanguard.com/blog-building-science-HERS-BPI/bid/59880/Are-Spray-Foam-Contractors-Putting-Themselves-at-Risk

The Final Removal of HCFC R22 Is Near

refrigerant-tank1In this insightful article Kevin Grove gives us an inside look at the upcoming ban of R22. According to the article R22 is is a refrigerant used in air conditioning systems and has been banned in new air conditioning systems since 2003. Kevin goes over what steps repair technicians will need to take to re-service air conditioner units that had previously run on R22. Also covered in the article was a recent panel of experts held at the Royal Society of Medicine where issues regarding the ban’s impact on business was discussed by building managers, consultants, architects and business leaders.


More information about the ban of r22 here – http://r-22-refrigerants.blogspot.com/2013/06/counting-down-to-ban-on-r22.html

Melting Heat in the South

wicked-witch-of-the-south-wizard-of-ozScience is not just for people who watch The Wizard of Oz, as proved by this blogger who relates the way the witch melts to climate changes in the South. Heat has a huge effect on the world around us, especially when it is paired with water and perspiration of the human body. When water collects in an air conditioning unit, and can change how that unit cools your home. Also, when water is released from the body during a hot day, it will change how hot or cold you feel in the hot summer weather. It gets so hot in the South, it sometimes appears the people are melting like the wicked witch.


Are you familiar with Wizard of Oz? Then discover now what happens to the witch of the south – http://www.energyvanguard.com/blog-building-science-HERS-BPI/bid/60024/Latent-Heat-is-the-Wicked-Witch-of-the-South

Climate Action Plan: President Obama’s Environmental Proposal

climate_changeOn Tuesday, June 25, 2013 President Barack Obama released a new action plan proposal concerning Climate. The “Climate Action Plan” is a series of initiatives that the Obama Administration will pursue aimed to combat climate change. The climate action plan focuses on three major initiatives including adapting to the impacts of climate change, cutting greenhouse gas emissions, and working with the international community to address the issue on a global scale.

What is perhaps most controversial about this action plan is that a majority of the proposed actions will not require the approval of Congress. Critics believe the plan does not go far enough to address climate change, however supporters feel this is as much as the President can do about the issue in the short term.

Get involved on President Obama’s Action Plan here – http://refrigerantauthority.com/president-obama-releases-climate-action-plan/